Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Netiquette describes the rules for online behaviour especially in newsgroups, forums and chat rooms. It is derived from the two words Internet and etiquette ...

How to Reduce SPAM in Our Email Accounts It's important to remember three things about SPAM -

First, one person's SPAM is another's valuable email. SPAM is emailwe don't want. Others may want it and that is a primary reason why SPAM is so hard to control before it gets to the final recipient.

Second, if we use email we are going to get some SPAM. There is no existing technology or software which is mainframe, server, or PC based, that can screen out all SPAM or even most of it over any time period longer than a few weeks, unless that software is constantly updated.
In the end, at least for the foreseeable future our best SPAM protection is what we do to protect our email accounts from email that is SPAM to us.

When receiving spam mail do not reply or open the mail. Do our part by keeping our junk e-mail filter up to date. Remove our address from any web pages we may have. Do not post messages to chat rooms or newsgroups using our email address